Monday, August 31, 2009

Spectacular Failure

As of today, the Rassmusen poll has President Obama's "passion index" at -11, which, though it's not the lowest it's been in his short time in office, but it's down there around the lowest. Geoffrey P. Hunt, writing at The American Thinker says that Obama is setting himself up to be the worst president since Woodrow Wilson. That's a total ouchie.

I'd like to think I've been somewhat more generous....I think Obama will knock Jimmy Carter out of first place on the list of Worst Presidents Evah, and since presidental history isn't my strong suit, I'm fairly willing to take Geoff's word on Wilson. In point of fact, Woodrow Wilson was the first "progressive" president of the 20th century and this just proves that Americans, by and large, don't toe the socialist/marxist/progressive line in politics....mainly because it goes against everything America and American's think they stand for.

I haven't written much on Obama since the election because I was trying to "give him a chance." A friend of mine who is center-left leaning in politics and I agreed that Obama owns the economy come January 1, 2010, but I'm not sure it's going to take that long for America to realize that Obama is no more than an empty suit, ill prepared (although he had an education that most of us would envy) for the job he has been given by the guilt ridden white progressive political class, and a general populace fatigued with the relentless criticism and left wing hate of George W. Bush. Obama's election was the American population's "can't we just all get along?" moment, and now reality is sinking in to bite them in the ass.

I lived through Jimmy Carter's presidency. It wasn't fun, and I remember lines for gas that stretched several city blocks, stagflation, and a smug Mr. Carter in his little "Mr. Rogers" cardigan telling us all to turn down the heat to save energy while he ran the economy into a wall, and handed the country of Iran over to a bunch of apocalyptic clerics who rewarded his support by promptly taking our embassy staff hostage for over a year. Then they further humiliated him by releasing them at the very moment Ronald Reagan was taking the oath of office. His domestic policy was abysmal and his foreign policy dangerously short sighted....we're still cleaning that mess up as I write this and the threat of nuclear attacks on Iran is being considered because of Carter's shameful meddling in the politics of what was, at the time, an ally.

There is a story on the internet right now that the President of Iran is now ready to have talks with the west regarding their nuclear ambitions (funny how they're all reasonable in the wake of a badly botched, rigged election, huh?) and Obama could fuel the fires at home by actually sitting down at any table with them. This is unacceptable to me and it should be to any Americans who actually still believe in our brand of republican democracy. Should Obama decide to give these goons legitimacy, and ram through a very unpopular domestic agenda, he will certainly pass Carter as the Worst President Evah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look for the culprit, look into the last 8 years of republican mismanagement that added almost 5 trillion of debt alone. Neocons, fundies and warmongers, they screwed this country real good! Where were your republican leaders during this time? I will tell you, they were providing the likes of Haliburton with billion dollar contracts. The republicans are a spent force, when the party leaders look at the likes of Palin as a future democratic leader its like an insane cartoon.

Bush was/is an easy target he was just dumb, he was lucky that all that got shot at him was a shoe!Cheney had the power he drove the agenda's and he also drove Haliburtons stock price through the roof. I am sure he is enjoying the benefits of that now, for he sure made alot of his mates very very wealthy.

No I am not a democrat supporter either, both parties are in bed with the big financial heavy weights. Pretty soon China's economy will overtake ours and while Obama spends our last remaining credit and takes us into the abyss the Chinese sit back and laugh and say "It usually takes a war to displace a world power but these sad Americans have done it to themselves"

With the signing of his pen Obama will increase our debt to 11 trillion and over the next decade that is expected to rise to 20 trillion. As unemployment continues to grow (whether its slowing or not) The standard of living that many americans have enjoyed cannot continue, well infact for many millions that time is already here.

They continue to print money at an alarming rate (Federal Reserve System - they print money and hand it over it the US Govt that increases our debt with interest ontop)

The system is close to collapse this country is bankrupt its just a matter of time before the creditors call in the bad debt.

India is smarter than China they are buying up gold reserves like there is no tomorrow, and as China laughs at us they also have beads of sweat appearing as they remember they are sitting on close to 5 trillion in US Govt Treasury bonds (practically worthless)

Any you think a Republican can pull us out of this? Its obvious that most people have lost total faith in either party.

4:56 AM  
Blogger Duchess Of Austin said...

I have to agree with you, Mr. Anonymous (though I wish you'd post under a real name so that we could continue this conversation) that the Republican Party has no real leaders at the moment, but I'm not so sure that it isn't on purpose. If there were a nominal, named leader of the Republican party, this person would only serve as a target for the left to hang every possible charge on that they can think of.

As for Palin, I'm a strong woman too, with strong opinions and I admire her guts in standing up to the left. I would vote for her in a minute for Prez, and I think that by the time the Rs need a leader, she'll be more experienced and more ready than our present dear leader.

Obama is weak...everything he does shows the beta male in him and I can't respect that. He's made a laughingstock of our country with his apology tour and I, for one, am sick of it already. Like Carter, his domestic policy is abysmal (unemployment has passed 10% and underemployment is at almost 18%) and the thugs of the world are licking their chops and imagining the proud US on her knees. I hate that idea.

Bottom line, the dems are great at whining but not so great at governing and for all that you can say GWB was a weenie, at least the thugocracies of the world feared us. Obama is nothing more than the mouse that roared.

3:41 PM  

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