The Founding Fathers Would Be Proud
The recent triumph of Scott Brown in the Massachusetts senate election is a fitting place for the start of the return of America to it's center right roots.
Fitting, for a number of reasons, dating back to the American Revolution, which is the iconic event that set the United States on the path to the particular lifestyle that we enjoy in this country today.
How many critics of say....Hugo Chavez, can write anything in a public forum that could be considered negative and not find themselves carried off to what passes for the Gulag in Venezuela? about Cuba? How many of Castro's critics are still languishing in Cuban prisons for criticizing him? I suppose the critics of Putin live the high life, too....oh wait...uhm, I guess not. Instead of the Gulag, these days, they just get a dose of radiation poison. How very progressive of the Russians. My point here is, of course, that we Americans still enjoy free speech, even down to being able to call the current Prez a monkey and not worry about the Secret Service descending on our houses like the German SS.
The voters in Massachusetts exercised their right to free speech recently, and they shouted to the current administration that they'd better put the brakes on, or else. Some of the pundits say that this election is a fluke, influenced by out of state Tea Partiers and that, like the gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia, the candidate herself was flawed. She ran a bad campaign, they say. Perhaps the democrats should try retail campaigning and running more positive campaigns, rather than treating elections as coronations. In the present political mood, even Barbara Boxer should worry....
I say, that like Lexington and Concord, this is the first shot in the war to take our country back from the progressive wing of the democrat party. This is the first few drops of the tidal wave to come that, hopefully, will sweep enough incumbents out of office that our Congress will have a fresh, humble new attitude of service to the people who elected them, not the special interests who are attempting to subvert our country by paying off our elected officials.
The current administration, as well as the tone deaf party ideologues in DC have tried to ram their far left agenda down the throats of the people despite all civil efforts to stop them, and they have done so at their own peril. Like the first shots fired in our struggle for freedom from England and taxation without representation, the people of the state of Massachusetts took the first step in striking down the dynastic ambitions of the democrats.
How iconic and ironic is it that a seat that had been held by one Kennedy or another since 1956 was lost as soon as it was up for grabs? I expect a report any day now that there is smoke coming from the Kennedy mausoleum because Teddy is spinning like a top in his grave. I have to say....I love it!
The powers that be in the democrat party should be very afraid of what they have set in motion for themselves, and the moderates of the party should reassert their dominance or they will be swept out of power come November 2010.
I can't wait.
Fitting, for a number of reasons, dating back to the American Revolution, which is the iconic event that set the United States on the path to the particular lifestyle that we enjoy in this country today.
How many critics of say....Hugo Chavez, can write anything in a public forum that could be considered negative and not find themselves carried off to what passes for the Gulag in Venezuela? about Cuba? How many of Castro's critics are still languishing in Cuban prisons for criticizing him? I suppose the critics of Putin live the high life, too....oh wait...uhm, I guess not. Instead of the Gulag, these days, they just get a dose of radiation poison. How very progressive of the Russians. My point here is, of course, that we Americans still enjoy free speech, even down to being able to call the current Prez a monkey and not worry about the Secret Service descending on our houses like the German SS.
The voters in Massachusetts exercised their right to free speech recently, and they shouted to the current administration that they'd better put the brakes on, or else. Some of the pundits say that this election is a fluke, influenced by out of state Tea Partiers and that, like the gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia, the candidate herself was flawed. She ran a bad campaign, they say. Perhaps the democrats should try retail campaigning and running more positive campaigns, rather than treating elections as coronations. In the present political mood, even Barbara Boxer should worry....
I say, that like Lexington and Concord, this is the first shot in the war to take our country back from the progressive wing of the democrat party. This is the first few drops of the tidal wave to come that, hopefully, will sweep enough incumbents out of office that our Congress will have a fresh, humble new attitude of service to the people who elected them, not the special interests who are attempting to subvert our country by paying off our elected officials.
The current administration, as well as the tone deaf party ideologues in DC have tried to ram their far left agenda down the throats of the people despite all civil efforts to stop them, and they have done so at their own peril. Like the first shots fired in our struggle for freedom from England and taxation without representation, the people of the state of Massachusetts took the first step in striking down the dynastic ambitions of the democrats.
How iconic and ironic is it that a seat that had been held by one Kennedy or another since 1956 was lost as soon as it was up for grabs? I expect a report any day now that there is smoke coming from the Kennedy mausoleum because Teddy is spinning like a top in his grave. I have to say....I love it!
The powers that be in the democrat party should be very afraid of what they have set in motion for themselves, and the moderates of the party should reassert their dominance or they will be swept out of power come November 2010.
I can't wait.
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